PROTECTOR Sirius 610E electronic safe
PROTECTOR Sirius 610E electronic safe PROTECTOR Sirius input unit and emergency key

Protector Sirius 610E safe

Protection against sneak theft, limited burglary resistance.
For the storage of cash and valuables.

Without recommended AHICO insurance amount.

Single-wall steel safe body.
Single-wall steel safe door.
Safe door opening angle 90°, internal hinges, DIN right opening.

Electronic combination lock.
Mechanical emergency opening, 2 emergency keys.
Operates with 4x 1,5V LR6/AA batteries (not included), internal battery holder.
Protruding input unit and handle.

1x removable, not relocatable shelf.
Prepared for anchoring, factory made anchoring holes on the base and back (4+4).

Anthractie grey colour.

Color grey
Place of origin Far East




About the manufacurers of the Far East (FE)

Like with many other products, also with safes, more and more far-east manufacturers appear with their products on the market. In addition to the Chinese manufacturers, our assortment contains products by South Korean manufacturers too. Manufacturers of safes made in the Far East are less characteristic, so we only publish a general description of these manufacturers.

The Far Eastern products are mainly part of the simpler, lower-priced, technologically easier to manufacture category. The quality of these safes is acceptable with certain compromises. Nevertheless, the quality of manufacturing technology and the quality of exports of safes is developing rapidly in the east as well.

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